“Curate No More” Book Launch with Soy Sauce and Chicken Wings by Gum Cheng
Date: 15 July, 2016 (Fri) Time: 7:30-9:30pm

Gum from C&G stopped curating for two years between 2013 and 2015, in order to focus on art-making. He completed ten art projects under the main theme of “Curate No More” during the two years, and then exhibited the project results from August to October in 2015 at 8 different venues. The backgound, rationale, making-of, objectives, methods, contents, questions and other related info of “Curate No More” art project are all included in the final publication: “ Curate No More.” In order to keep doing all the boring daily-life exercises, and to spend each single cent from HKADC’s project grant, this book was published with no more than 1% extra cost from the artist’s own pocket. The book launch of “Curate No More” will be a relaxing platform for exchanges of artistic ideas and his daughters’ favourite dish: soy sauce and chicken wings. All are welcome!
Presented by: C&G Artpartment Venue Support: ACO Presenters: Clara & Gum Everything will be free, except the books. Name/organization: C&G Artpartment Contact name: Clara Cheung & Gum Cheng Contact number: 23909332 Email: clara@candg-artpartment.com, gum@candg-artpartment.com Personal/ organization website