Foo Tak Building Open Days 2017
Time: 18, 19, 25, 26/3/2017 (Sat & Sun) | 12nn – 7pm
Foo Tak Building Open Days 2017 – Experiencing“Foo Tak Spirit”! Located at the busy downtown area, Foo Tak Building (FTB) has been nurturing more than 50 art and cultural units to establish their works or projects by offering sponsored tenancy for studios/ offices since 2003. With the sponsored spaces, the cultural practitioners could gradually develop their works in different fields, to empower our art community and society. The original idea came from a thought of one person – a thought of how to turn the spatial resources into alternative values other than merely financial returns. Such an idea of “sharing” we believe in for helping art to develop. Only through sharing we can perhaps turn limited resources into creative energy that is unlimited in helping this city’s art and culture development, this is what we called “Foo Tak Spirit”. We support all kinds of art and cultural creation enabling dialogues to be exchanged between the creative people and the public, transmitting ideas or triggering off more critical thinking and making Foo Tak Building a place for cross-disciplinary connectivity and exchange. There are now 19 entities ‘hidding’ in this ordinary building in Wan Chai being used for independent, diversified and alternative kinds of art and cultural creations. Come visit us during our Open Days over two particular weekends in March!
The FTB Art & Cultural Entities that open for visiting:
1/F, 365 The House of Hong Kong Literature 2/F, 365 Liber Research Community/Intercommon Institute 3/F, 365 Visible Record 4/F, 365 Ying E Chi 5/F, 365 Journesis 6/F, 365 Szelit Cheung Studio 7/F, 365 Flyingpig, Zoa, Kachi Studio 8/F, 367 nomad nomad 8/F, 365 Happy Hippo - Hui Sze Lok Studio 9/F, 367 The Interzone Collective 9/F, 365 Hong Kong In-media 10/F, 367 Old Textbooks Showroom 10/F, 365 Rooftop Institute 11/F, 365 Party Hard 12/F, 365 Jess and Kinchoi Studio 13/F, 365 Lumli and Lumlong Studio 淋漓淋浪 14/F ACO Art and Culture Outreach|艺鵠
*facebook page: 富德樓 Foo Tak Building ********************************************************* Activities at 14/F ACO during the open days:
《 日頭。夜晚 》 攝影展 Day and Night Photography Exhibition Exhibition Period: 1-26/ 3 (Tuesday - Sunday) 12:00nn - 7:00pm
Teatime with artists and guests: 18/ 3 ( Saturday ) 4:00pm
* Please contact further for activities of other units. Thanks! *********************************************************