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【I Wanna Read x Dear Hong Kong】書中人分享 Featured Sharing - DAWIT DEBESAI

I Wanna Read x Dear Hong Kong, 邀請書中人 Dawit ——來自東非的厄立特里亞——一個沒有政治自由、媒體被操控、沒有選擇職業的自由的國家,分享「離開」同「留低」, 還有「家鄉」。


留唔留,走唔走? 佢既走,係你既留?「留」同「走」,響香港呢個大溶爐,定義其實係相對?

《Dear Hong Kong》其中一位受訪者 Dawit Debesai 來自東非的厄立特里亞——一個沒有政治自由、媒體被操控、沒有選擇職業的自由的國家。這個國家甚至向任何對體制提出疑問的人予以毫毛人性的逼害,但Dawit是其中一個最有人情味、最積極的被訪者之一。


It has been awhile since our last event gathering. This time around we invited Dawit who was featured in 《Dear Hong Kong》, who came from Eritrea, a country in Eastern Africa - a place with no political freedom, controlled media, no career choice and an inhumane, repressive response to anybody who questions the system. Dawit will share about his home country and why he chose to leave and stay in Hong Kong.

"Sometimes you face difficulties not because you are doing something wrong, but because you are doing something right."

One of the featured HongKonger from《Dear Hong Kong》is Dawit Debesai, who came from Eritrea, a country in Eastern Africa. He comes from a place with no political freedom, controlled media, no career choice and an inhumane, repressive response to anybody who questions the system. And yet, Dawit is one of the most humane and positive people the Dear Hong Kong group has met with.

He will be here at ACO Books to share about his home country, why he left and why he chose to stay in Hong Kong - his new home.

【I Wanna Read x Dear Hong Kong】書中人分享 Featured Sharing - DAWIT DEBESAI

日期 Date | 9 Apr 2021 (Fri)

時間 Time | 7:30-9pm

地點 Venue | 艺鵠書店 ACO Books (富德樓14樓 14/F Foo Tak Building)

語言 Language | 英語 English

***免費登記 Free Registration***

合辦 Co-organized by ACO Books & Dear Hong Kong


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