RE: The Museum of Innocence
Exhibition Hours: : 11/11,11/12 at 12:00-19:00 Multi-Media Performance Date: 11/11,11/12 Showtime:(11/11) 20:30, 22:00 (12/11)19:00, 21:00 *Running time of this performance is about 45 minutes.

The collection is entitled, “The Museum of Innocence”, which is inspired by Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk’s novel of the same title. The novel tells a love story between Kemal and his distant relative Füsun. Kemal secretly collects the things that used to belong to Füsun, including more than two thousand cigarette butts that she has thrown away, a ruler that she has used, the puppy furnishings that she has liked, the earrings that have dropped to the floor during their love-making, and so on. These articles are symbols of their shared moments, even after the heroine passes away, as if she had never left this museum of innocence. Muses are the goddesses of literary inspiration, and it is the etymological origin of the very word “Museum”. The museum preserves valuable items in their best moments. I used to design a tailor-made sweater for the love of my life. She put on the sweater which in turn took on the warmth and shape of her body, just like taking on her shadow. This sweater was to become the first piece of this series achieved and completed later on. Everyone has irretrievable happy moments. Everyone wants to see someone that she can see no more. Things faithfully create a gap for us, and at the same time preserves memories for us. The yearning for the loved one grows into the emotional attachment to things. These feelings are embodied in clothes and are transformed, invested and treasured. Clothes are my confessions to you. Man Ho Yin, Hofi, born in Hong Kong, has been involved in creative art and fashion design. His first program in university was fashion design, and later graduated as B.A. in visual art. Man cannot bear to treat clothes purely as merchandise, and hopes to design clothes for specific persons. His design lies between wearings and everyday objects; it retrieves personal vestiges and private feelings that linger therein. His works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Japan and Germany. His “The Museum of Innocence” series is shortlisted for the 2016 Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest. Seat Reservation
*"RE: The Museum of Innocence" is free admission for audience. Free donation is the way to support the operation of the project. The zine "RE: The Museum of Innocence" will be available in ACO from 11/11. Sponsor: ACO