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Didgeridoo Lesson Presented by The Interzone Collective

Time: 6, 13, 20 and 27 April 2016 (Wednesdays) in 7:30- 8:30pm

The didgeridoo is an instrument developed by indigenous Australians of northern Australia about 1,500 years ago. The sound comes out by vibrating the lips continuously while blowing into the didgeridoo. The mystic sound and vibration which the Didge create soothing the mind and soul. From playing the Didge, people learns how to breathe in a good way, strengthens and tones the tissues of the throat, it provides good exercise for the respiratory system. Some people with Sleep Apnea, Nasal Allergy found their health problems has been improved after learning the special breathing techniques. Well, if you practice right and hard enough, you could loose some belly for sure :)...Let's try!

Tutor: Hakgwai Lesson Description: -Basic playing techniques -Exploring the instrument -Breathing exercise -Circular breathing technique -Playing in different rhythms -Playing solos, duets and as an ensemble -D.I.Y your own practicing Didgeridoo

Fee: $1,200 (4 lessons) Inquiry:6165 3051 *4 seats maximum *The Interzone Collective reserves the rights *Special Thanks to ACO for sponsoring the wonderful venue! ~Fill in this form *Once your application is recieved, we will contact you soon -WhatsApp 6165 3051


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