Food and Farming Film Festival
Time:2 nd January (Saturday) at 2pm
Venue: ACO, 14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wanchai

Let’s sow some seeds together!
“Documentary is not only a way for agriculture and farmers to express themselves; it is even a form of movement, of engagement and of organisation for agriculture, farmers and food, for it is simultaneously analytical, intellectual, tasteful, sensual, passionate and revolutionary.” Foreword from the 1st Sangwoodgoon Food & Farm Film Festival (FFFF)
Sangwoodgoon is a farm experimenting with organic methods and permaculture design principles. The farm's backbone is food production and building on this platform, through FFFF, raise the awareness of food- and agriculture-related topics both globally and in Hong Kong, and to explore the most basic meanings of life and the living.
2015 is the International Year of Soils, in response to the call for the care of soil and earth, Sangwoodgoon is preparing for the 2nd Food & Farm Film Festival with "soil" as the main theme. Sangwoodgoon is inviting 5 long and 2 short documentary films from Japan, Taiwan, America and Hong Kong. These films explore themes ranging from agriculture, genetically modified food to community struggles.
Besides showcasing documentaries, we are also contacting friends, groups and organisations to participate in a variety of post-screening activities such as discussion panels (i.e. the infinite imaginations of soil, mother's choice on food and community struggles etc.), food and recipe sharing, farmers' market and also guided tours.
Free Admission, Seating First come First Served, Welcome donation
>>>Programme detail + fundraising website
>>>Fundraising website
Opening Screening
《Symphony of the Soil》
(USA | 2012 | 103min | Deborah Koons Garcia) (Chinese subtitles)
- ACO Green Chef sharing her work (Produce from ACO rooftop and Sangwoodgoon) - Post-screening discussion: “Imagining soil / Soil that is everywhere”
Guest speakers:
Rebeka Tam(Ceramic Artist, Artist Educators, curated YMCArts Ma Shi Po Living Containers Exhibition in Ma Shi Po, Fanling)、Ho Lok Chen(Very MK rooftop Farm farmer, Kowloon Park 100 square feet "Tree Gun Farm" representative)、Wong Chi Chun (HKWildlife.Net Forum spokesperson)、Chow Sze Chung (Sangwoodgoon farmer)