Contrasting to the noisy Hennessy Road, ACO at 14/F of Foo Tak Building is quiet and simple. One can enjoy the aroma of books, refreshments and coffee here. You would immerse into the nuances of art and culture here unconsciously.
Other than operating an independent bookstore and running food exhibitions as daily routine, ACO Base is also an open space for presentations by ACO or other art and culture entities. Here we can hold exhibitions, screenings, forums, gatherings, press conferences, mini concerts, lectures etc. The physical space could be confined but the possibility here is unlimited and everyone is welcome to check with us about the hiring of our various space and facilities.
ACO Base
• It can accommodate up to 50 audiences
• Equipped with audio visual facilities
• Spot lights and wood walls are fxed for 2-D artworks
Visual Art Walkway
• Walls at staircases leading from 12/F to rooftop
• Spot lights and wood walls are fixed for 2-D artworks
• No closing hours, but without security measures
• No air-conditioning
• 2 staircases above ACO Base, ACO Garden is there and some
space is reserved for running gatherings or events.
• 1. No electricity or lighting supply for the time being; electricity
needs to be supplied by ACO Base one floor down.
• Rooftop is outdoor, events there may be unduly affected by
adverse weather. Better seasons for holding events up the
rooftop may be autumn and winter.
Regulations for using ACO Space
• Hiring cost negotiable; audience may be asked for donation if no hiring cost
can be charged.
• Profit sharing is to be arranged for sale of goods during event so as to cover
ACO’s overhead.
• No smoking, eating or drinking are allowed. ACO can provide drinkable water
or simple refreshments at a separate cost.
• Latest closing time: 11 pm
• Our ExeCATive (a cat) Bubu may join the event, those who are afraid of cats
may need to take note.
• The final decision is rested with ACO as to whether one can use any part of
ACO space.