(Fully booked) Advance Screening of Liu Xiaobo - L'homme qui a défié Pékin (Liu Xiaobo – The M

Advance Screening of Liu Xiaobo - L'homme qui a défié Pékin (Liu Xiaobo – The Man Who Defied Beijing) 2019 | France | Duration: 58 mins | English | Colour Director: Pierre Haski | Cinematography: François Cauwel | Producer: Anthony Dufour
Registration: 200 seats – registered audience will be notified of the assigned venue Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JpRtTZYl_sEwlpJeFPP8qsysdImVFvpp3GSkEL4hceE/ Date: 2/6/2019 (Sun) Time: 7 - 8pm Venue: ACO Bookstore (14/F) and Foo Tak co-organising studios, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Organiser: ACO (Art and Culture Outreach) Special Thanks To: Hikari Groupe, ARTE G.E.I.E. Co-organisers: Mobile Co-learning Classroom, 20 Alpha, Negative Space, Rooftop Institute, Hong Kong In-Media It is our pleasure to present the advance screening of Liu Xiaobo - L'homme qui a défié Pékin, due to the kindness and help from the French producer and distributor Hikari Groupe. In this time and place, where Hong Kong’s freedom is under threat and when local people commemorate the free spirits of the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre, the film allows us to pay tribute to Liu Xiaobo in retrospect and resist to forget him, a noble spirit that the regime making the most effort to erase among the people. Description: The passionate story of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo, the man who has never ceased to demand a democratic transition in China and who paid the high price: he died in captivity in July 2017. In the spring of 1989, when students occupied Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese literature scholar and outstanding speaker, became one of the movement's mentors. Shortly before the massacre began, on the night of June 3-4, he begged the youth to evacuate the place and went on a hunger strike to ask the authorities to avoid violence. Arrested on June 6th, he was sent to a re-education camp. Upon his release, a year and a half later, he chose to remain in China and resist from within, while many of his compatriots opted for exile. Arrested in 2008, for co-signing Charter 08, a program for a democratic transition in China, he was sentenced to eleven years in prison for subverting state power. Still imprisoned in 2010, he could not personally receive the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him and died in captivity seven years later, in July 2017. Today, the Chinese regime is making every effort to ensure that Liu Xiaobo's name is forgotten, increasing censorship within its borders and pressures on the rest of the world. But in 2008, the dissident had entrusted his will, political and personal, in the form of a long interview, filmed by François Cauwel. It serves as the frame for the journalist Pierre Haski to make the fascinating portrait of a man who, all his life, fought for his convictions and paid the high price. In particular, he summons his comrades, as well as his widow, the poetess Liu Xia, long placed under house arrest and now exiled in Germany. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]