Handpan Gathering
Date: 26 November 2015
Time: 7pm
Presented by Art and Culture Outreach & The Interzone Collective
No registration, first come first served
Free donation

A gathering of handpan by The Interzone Collective. Experience on the ears and hands
with this incredible instrument and its capacity to connect with rhythm, melodies and
consciousness. Solo handpan works and jamming of handpan with other instrumentations
will be demostrated. The musicians would also introduce the history, cultural and some
basic techniques of handpan. Participants are welcome to try out the handpans and/or other
#Meditative #Dance Music #Psychedelic Acoustic #Illusionary
Know more about Handpan: “PANArt Hang documentary 2006: HANG - a discreet
Photo by: Chris Ng