大館 BOOKED: 香港藝術書展 Tai Kwun BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair
(with nos:books as our joint exhibitor)

日期:12月16日 - 19日 (四至日)
時間:3 - 7 pm (16日); 3 - 9 pm (17日);
12 - 7 pm (18 - 19日)
地點:大館賽馬會藝方一樓及 F 倉展室 1/F Galleries Tai Kwun
(JC Contemporary & F Hall)
門票:$40 (標準門票 Regular ticket)
$30 (優惠門票 Concession ticket)*
*適用於全日制學生、殘疾人士、60 歲或以上高齡人士 for full-time students, people with disabilities and senior citizens aged 60 or above
閱讀帶領我們遊歷世界。今屆「BOOKED: 香港藝術書展」回歸大館當代美術館展廳,邀請超過80位本地、亞洲及國際的參展單位——包括藝術出版商、藝術家和書店等等——亦舉行一系列公共項目,包括講座、工作坊、特別項目展示和表演。
Reading is another form of travelling. Marking its return to the Tai Kwun Contemporary galleries, the forthcoming edition of BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair welcomes over 80 local, regional, and international exhibitors — including publishers, artists, booksellers, and organisations — complemented by a programme of book launches, talks, workshops, displays and performances.